Links 21 – 26 juli
Foreign Policy: The Ghost of Abu Yahya
Foreign Policy: Hometown of a Terrorist
Der Spiegel: A Syrian Bloodbath Revisited – Searching for the Truth Behind the Houla Massacre
Poynter: What journalists need to know about guns and gun control
The New York Times Al Qaeda Taking Deadly New Role in Syria Conflict
Danger Room: Rare Taliban Video Shows Huge Bomb Attack on U.S. Base
New York Magazine: Leopold’s Ghost
Al Jazeera: Iraq: After the Americans Part 1
Matt Taibbi: Octopus: Read This Book to Understand Wall Street
Vanity Fair: With Liberty and Botox for All
Time: Where Terrorists Have Tanks: A Ride Through al-Qaeda Country
The New York Review of Books: Necessary Scapegoats? The Making of the Khmer Rouge Tribunal
The Atlantic: The Big Myth About American Jobs
Mother Jones: A Guide to Mass Shootings in America
Le Monde: “On a été seuls si longtemps à Alep…”
RNW: Fighting for a new government and an Olympic medal
New Yorker: Audio slide show: South Sudan
Al Jazeera: Taking on the tax havens De Citadel van Aleppo
The Independent: Robert Fisk: If Alawites are turning against Assad then his fate is sealed Vanaf Golan proberen ramptoeristen glimp op te vangen van conflict Syrië
Techpresident: NRA Was MIA On Facebook in Aurora Aftermath
CJR: The Muslim Brotherhood’s post-uprising TV station