Must-reads 4 – 10 november
The New York Times: Harassers of Women in Cairo Now Face Wrath of Vigilantes
Foreign Policy: Kafka in Beijing
National Geopgraphic: Cuba’s New Now
The Long Good read: Come inside: the world’s biggest sperm bank
The New York Times: Missteps by Rebels Erode Their Support Among Syrians
Business Insider: Fox News Is Killing The Republican Party
The New York Review of Books: Freedom & Diversity: A Liberal Pentagram for Living Together
Collectors Weekly: War on Women, Waged in Postcards: Memes From the Suffragist Era
The New Republic: The Novel That Frightened Hamas and the Arab League
The Long Good read: On safari in Zimbabwe: a country in search of tourism
GQ: Murder of an Idealist
The Baffler: Come On, Feel the Buzz
The Atlantic: Syria in Ruins
FT: Rio: the fight for the favelas
Business Week: Argentina’s International Trade Disaster
CJR: How to cover the presidential results
CS Monitor: War with Iran? 5 ways events overseas could shape Obama’s second term
Rany on the Royals: The GOP And Me
Mother Jones: The Tea Party Is Dead. Long Live the Tea Party
Smithsonian: Uncovering the Truth Behind the Myth of Pancho Villa, Movie Star
Gizmodo: Secrets, Schemes, and Lots of Guns: Inside John McAfee’s Heart of Darkness
The New York Review of Books: China: Worse Than You Ever Imagined
Outside: Far Rockaway: Global Disaster Zone
The Awl: What Was It Like? Life During Beijing’s 100-Day Crackdown On Foreigners
The Atlantic: How to Stop Reactionaries From Derailing Reform in China
The New Yorker: Rock, Paper, Scissors