Must-reads 3 – 9 februari
The Atlantic: Why Americans Hate the Media
National Geographic: New Old Libya – For decades Libyans lived under a dictator who twisted their past. Now they must imagine their future
Foreign Policy: Westward Ho! As America pivots east, China marches in the other direction
Foreign Affairs: Sizzling South Sudan – Why Oil Is Not the Whole Story
Time Magazine: Drone Home
Foreign Policy: The End of the Latin American Left -Will Hugo Chávez’s revolution die with him?
The Boston Globe: Remembering Ochlik through the Arab Spring
Harper’s Magazine: How Timbuktu Saved Its Books – Behind the rescue of Mali’s historic manuscripts
Daily Beast: Marisa Merico, the Woman Behind the Mob
The Economist: Syria’s refugees – Not going anywhere
The Nation: Time to Face the Truth About Iran
CS Monitor: Boy and Girl Scouts in Afghanistan?
Balkan Insight: Dacic Being ‘Set Up’ For Moderation on Kosovo
INC: Confessions of a Corporate Spy
CJR: Reporting for rookies – Schooling a newbie on the basics
New York Times Magazine: Azerbaijan Is Rich. Now It Wants to Be Famous
Tech president: Republican Party’s Technology Revival Hopes Hinge On Data and Data Analysis
BBC: Neighbours at war in Lebanon’s divided city of Tripoli Deze film mogen de Italianen nog niet zien
The Believer: Reincarnation in exile
CS Monitor: Jail for journalist working on rape story in Somalia
Chicago Magazine: Lawmakers Gone Wild
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