Must-reads 25 november – 2 december
Foreign Policy: China’s Copycat Cities
Tablet: Panic in Jerusalem
TNR: The Ecstasy and Agonies of a Permanent Democratic Majority
Ahram Online: The battle for the ‘martyr’ of Damanhour
New York Magazine: The Truce On Drugs
Roads & Kingdoms: Of Men, Okapi & Rebels
VICE: On the lam in Lebanon
Doha News: Qatari poet Mohammad Al-Ajami sentenced to life in prison
Mother Jones: Reining in the Drone War
The Washington Post: Afghan women caught between modernity, tradition
ABC: Life and death with Aleppo’s Martyrs of Truth
London Review of Books: Questions Concerning the Murder of Benazir Bhutto
Foreign Policy: There’s a New Caliph in Town
Harvard Magazine: Labor, Interrupted
CS Monitor: Should Republicans look to Texas for immigration inspiration?
The Friday Times: Law and disorder